Frequently Asked Questions
General Information & Things all parents and students should know.
The Beyer High school website address is: This site has information regarding important dates, email addresses for staff and faculty, sports and activities schedules, and teacher work pages. Our Student Body Office phone number is 574-1660.
The Modesto City Schools Student Conduct Code isn’t just about discipline; it also has important information regarding the District dress code, extra-curricular eligibility, attendance procedures and the rights & responsibilities of students, parents, and school personnel. The Modesto City Schools Parent Information Directory is available at the link on this page. The Beyer High School Guide, also containing important and useful information, is available upon request.
Student and site safety is a priority so we have two very important procedures regarding checking in and out of school.
ALL visitors need to sign in at the main office and receive a visitor pass no matter the nature or duration of the visit.
Students checking out of school for appointments or any reason during the school day must be released to an adult who is on file as an approved contact.
To report a student’s illness you can call the Attendance office at 574-1654 on the day of the illness or send a note with your student’s name, the date of the absence, your name, and a phone number where we can contact you. For absences not relating to illness or medical appointments there is a procedure for "personal" absences. These require prior notification and approval. For more information regarding this and other attendance procedures, please call us.
To ensure prompt and consistent communication with parents we rely on families to provide the school with updated phone numbers and addresses as changes are made.
"I know what my backpack looks like" and "I’ll just be gone for a minute" are two phrases that lead to missing items. In addition to the times that items are misplaced or forgotten, there are times when trust is mistreated and things are deliberately taken. Please follow these tips.
Know where your things are and be careful to not leave them unattended at lunch or during breaks. Take turns with your friends while the others get lunch/drinks, or use the lunch windows in the Forum.
Try not to leave things sitting on top of the lockers while you are opening yours, this can lead to missing and sometimes falling items.
Do not share your locker combination with anyone. Locker privileges may be revoked if more than 2 people are using a locker.
Cell phones and all other electronic devices (iPods, tablets, mp3 players, personal gaming devices, ear buds, etc.) are to be OFF and
NOT VISIBLE during class hours.
The Counselor’s caseloads are determined by last name. You can find your counselor information in this website.
Physical Education is a required course for graduation and is participatory in nature which means missing class really affects the grade and is difficult to make up. The Physical Education Handbook is given to students at the beginning of the year and is also available online. Please read this carefully for information regarding this important class.
We at Beyer High are here for YOU. Our mission is to insure that students are prepared academically, physically, socially and emotionally to function as productive members of society. Don’t hesitate to contact our staff with questions, we’re here to help.