Box Tops for Sonoma
Box Tops are now digital! Download the app, scan your receipt, and earn money for our school! Download more information in the links on this page.

Sonoma Drop Off/Pick Up Map
In order to make drop off and pick up efficient and safe for all our students, please refer to the map below. You can download it on the left.

Before School Care
Good News! Beginning August 8th, Sonoma Elementary will be providing Before School Dolphin Care for Students! Parents, Do you need assistance with childcare supervision in the mornings before school? We want to help. We know that for some families they would appreciate an option to drop off their student earlier in order to make it to work on time, etc. We will open our campus at 7:15 AM and 8:00 AM every weekday for students to attend a supervised Before School Care program. They will need to arrive at 7:15 AM or 8:00 AM since we cannot accommodate multiple arrival times. Students will be supervised by our classified staff members. A wide variety of activities will be available such as art, puzzles, board games, books, computers, and more! They will be supervised by the Before School Dolphin Care Team until it is time for breakfast. They will be served breakfast and then be released to the playground for the morning recess. Click on the link on our home page to enroll.
Parent Institute Family Engagement Library
Check out our new Family Engagement Support Library! There are handouts on a variety of topics to help assist you with your child’s education. If you’re looking for tips on working with your child to strengthen their problem solving skills, critical thinking, time management, cooperation, and more, please click on the corresponding icons.
Parent Technology Resources
Need technical help? Visit MCS’s Parent Technology Support Resources and Training Page
MCS also has a Student Technology Support Resources and Training Page
You can also buy limited technology insurance for your student’s device.
Find more parent resources on the district website under the 'PARENTS' dropdown tab.